Panel light and sound is a screen on which a radially arranged LEDs lights up in a different order depending on the intensity of the sound perceived by the internal microphone and the selected operating mode.
Button on the toolbar allows you to choose one of six modes (3 – light, 3 – Sounder):
Mode №1. Luminous. Overflow mode. Seven light spots gradually change color;
Mode №2. Light and sound mode. The higher the intensity of the sound, the more lights will light up;
Mode №3. Light and sound mode. Cotton is happening step by step illumination lights with previous stays Light Damaged;
Mode №4. Light and sound mode. Cotton is happening step by step illumination lights go out at the same time the previous;
Mode №5. Luminous. Chaotic illumination lights;
Mode №6. Luminous. Illumination lights occurs circumferentially, thus creating the effect of a rotating blade.